f a l l i n g i n l o v e . . .

Thursday, April 2, 2009

..::|| all the way from Ipoh... ||::..

me mum went back to Ipoh with me gran and aunt and couz to like erm...
"haeng cheng" basically like a festival where beloved decease family members are honoured la...
so since me mum is going back to Ipoh, the entire family is like placed order to like tapau this one specialty only found in Ipoh...


a yummy-deliciously-awesome noodle
i realized that you can't find this anywhere else in the entire world except in Gopeng, Ipoh. Even within Ipoh itself, its not a very common dish apparently cause i asked a few people about this and they are not sure what is it?! They are from Ipoh some more... O.o

anyway, its noodle made from rice flour
so basically, its like when you're eating rice in a chinese restaurant...
the noodles are the basic carbs you have and there are many different side dishes accompanying the noodles...
My fav is the deep fried "fuu chok" which is fried soya milk's skins and fried "tai gau lui" which is i think its carrot cake or something la... not too sure...
yea, and also fish balls and fish cakes...


i ate a huge bowl just now...
feel so bloatted man...

Paul Wong... burpingawesome-ly OUT

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