f a l l i n g i n l o v e . . .

Monday, April 6, 2009

..::|| taking a break... ||::..

last weekend enter my list for the craziest things i've done...
well it might not seem much but to me... OMGosh...

(shuddup fagiselle... )

anyway, i hang-outed with one of me bitches on friday right...
and we like went out for dinner and hunt for my black pants for easter...
so yea...
then when i send her back and decided to decline the offer to go clubbing with them

( as in her and other bitches as well.. =P)

it was pretty early for me to go back...
so i decided to called one of my really old-time bitches from college...
and went to his house and was like chatting till like 3.00 am...
he was pretty tired and drunk i may say... haha
and asked me to stay over cause it's pretty late and stuff...
so i was like ok...

but i tell you, i discover something about myself that is so erm... so KEWL!!!

i'm a person that's very picky when it comes to beds...
i mean like, if the bed is not mine, then i have trouble sleeping in it...
also like, if there's another homosapiens sleeping beside me, i get really erm... troubled sorta... if that's how you put it in words la...
yea, i get really uncomfortable and stuff...

yup, so i ended up sleeping like

15 minutes

only and was fully awake the entire time...

and the freaking next day, i have to like send me mum to some place and have to attend a colloquium in college... and had lunch with friends...

so i was like a walking zombie the entire saturday and only manage to be back on my comfortable bed at 6.00pm...
i tell you, i was OUT completely at the stage 4 of the sleeping stages until like 3.30am the next morning...
then went back to sleep and woke up around 9.15am...

seriously... one of the craziest weekends i have...i would say... =P

i know... its nothing as compare to some of ya'll but hey...
my social life is kinda retarded remember!?

Paul Wong... crammingPMGtext - ly OUT

..::|| do-re-mi ||::..
snsd - love rides on a melody (day by day)

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