f a l l i n g i n l o v e . . .

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Cheating rapidshare...

DO you guys know how to cheat rapidshare's limit download?
It was said that for every download that you did (for some reason, this sentence is a bit wrong...)
you'll have to wait for a period of time before you can download again... well there is a solution for that...

First, you disconnect you current connection... then reconnect again to the net...
The reason why is because everytime you log in to the net, you'll be identify with a specific IP address, but you'll get a new one everytime you log in... Rapidshare use this... so everytime you finish downloading a file from rapidshare... just disconnect and reconnect again, then you can download another file without any problem... tried this many times... never fail... =)

here is something kewl to watch while you people try it out... kinda convenient...



- CheL - said...

You no update!!
Hmph! Lalalaa..
* bonks Paul with Salmon *

- CheL -

Anonymous said...

That only works with dynamic IP address such as you computer. Some computers that use static IP protocol for their internet will not be able to do this... Still, good idea =)