f a l l i n g i n l o v e . . .

Friday, November 27, 2009

..::|| you know you're a HELP psychology student when... ||::..

1. surely your textbook is listed under your references in every single assignment...

2. you think writing a 5 page essay is a nightmare

3. you scream "APA is HELL!!!"

4. lecturers of yours are agents of torture!!!

5. you play BANG! in tutorials (depends on tutor... XP)

6. you complained about the prices in wisma HELP but still eat there because too lazy to go anywhere else

7. you don't find any difference between mid-terms and finals... both are equally stressful

8. you hate group assignments if the members are randomly assigned

9. you either hate turnitin or love it... depends on the percentage...

10. you begin to used psychological terms in your everyday conversations

11. only psychology students understand your jokes

12. you begin to analyze your own love life during social psychology

13. you see BIRG and CORF in every single football match...

14. you think that double spacing is a blessing in a 20-page report

15. you completed more surveys as compare to a typical normal student from another course...

|| i shall add to this list when i think of more... ||

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