f a l l i n g i n l o v e . . .

Monday, September 17, 2007

another day...

Another has come and gone, and i'm still here, posting away like there is no tomorrow.... lol... wat the?! I sounded emo wei...

Anyway, some update...
I got a new bag!!!!! Yay me!!! My dream bag since two months ago, i dreamt, wished, fantasies (ok, getting weirder...) about it and i finally got it!!! Last week, i wanted to buy it but it ran out of stock and i was like so damn dissapointed wei... then i think the sale person got the message that i wanted (more like demanded!!!) that bag, so last sat the whole family just went out and i took a wild chance and went over to the shop to see whether got or not, and miracles of all miracles, its there!!!! I was jumping for joy!!! hehehe, here it is...
This is the bag!!!! hehehe.... don't
be fooled by the pic, it is super huge!!!!! Actually too big.... but i like it... the only thing i'm afraid of is that it will like break or "putus" or something like that cause i put like too many things in it...hehehehe
Another look... hehehe... i love my bag... =)

Its tropicana life wei people.... kinda my first branded bag...hehehe... and i love the colour too... though i saw blue last time, but this will do too.... =)

Ok, enough of bags for now... hehe... anyway, today, on the way back from college, i saw this really beautiful rainbow in the sky... its like really nice and wow....sometimes, simple things like this capture ur attention even if just for a while... but can't really capture that particular moment on camera..sigh...

It was big!!! Honest!!!

Last update of the day, i'm still reading Bridget Jone's Diary... sigh...slow reader la me...heheh but i like to enjoy a book instead of finishing it fast, unlike some people who can like finish one book in lighting speed....lol....

She look evil in this pic.... scarily!!!!!

That's all for now.... heheh... and i modify a bit to my stail in blogging...From now on, all my post will be in the middle instead of from the side...more for the layout la...hhehe...details people...details..

Ja people!!!

Paul Wong... Bagsrainbowbridgetjonesdiary - ly OUT!!!

The "do-re-mi" list

][Jojo - Beautiful girl][

][Jojo - Exceptional][

][Natasha Bedingfield - I wanna have your babies][

][Play - I must not chase the boys][

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