f a l l i n g i n l o v e . . .

Friday, November 23, 2007

very the tiredness...

I am taking a break from studying and update my long-no-update blog... Gosh, this is the worst of all exam-preparation man.. seriously, i have never been so insecure or so stressful in my life man.. and its just a diploma... GGRRRR!!!!

And to top things off, my mp3 is not working... i have no music to accompany me in my torture chamber... this is no fun at all... truly, exams are a curse bestow upon student all over the world to torture them and brings an eternal suffering to those who wish and hope to survive !!!! how dramatic can i get?! lol

Well, gonna continue now... just few more days till doomsday and after that one week freakin' exams... I WILL BE FREE!!!!!!!!

I will survive!!!
Ain't no mountain high enough!!!!
Ain't no river wide enough!!!!

Yay me!!!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


4 days till doomsday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007


no post
finals in two weeks
assignments due soon
gonna tried and study again
very happy
and excited
yet nervous
and a bit of tiredness
ok...maybe a lot...

Friday, November 2, 2007


Everyone is doing this kinda post...so thought i try...hehe

(1) I'm a guy
(2) I love dancing
(3) I was called Paully-ester
(4) My college share almost the same name as another college
(5) I used to watch sailormoon
(6) I love bread with chocolate and peanut butter
(7) I'm a huge fan of Mocha Mud Pie from TGI
(8) I'm "in love" with Jojo
(9) I have more than 500 hundreds songs in my com and in counting
(10) I love ATWT
(11) I'm in desperate need of help for Anatomy
(12) I might be goign to Aussie but still keeping my options open
(13) I love going to The Curve and Ikano
(14) I personally felt that music is an expression of soul when no body parts are involve in it
(15) Walrus + Monkey = WalKey!!!
(16) I'm kewl because i play Soduko
(17) I'm addicted to Grey's and Heroes
(18) I have the most recent episodes of Grey's and Heroes!!!
(19) I'm really stress OUT!!!
(20) I love karaoke...
(21) I love buffets especially those with ice-creams...
(22) I love the Shayne Ward's new single...
(23) I'm moving to a new house!!!1
(24) It has a swimming pool!!!
(25) I will have a blue and pink room!!!!
(26) I'm still single... yet somehow might be changing soon hopefully....hehe =P
(27) I wanted to become a food-critic
(28) I would love to work in a ice-cream parlour
(29) I love ballet...
(30) I want to fall in love
OK....that's it for now... can't think of anything to say...amybe later i'll add more...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


][well, just a reminder... all these are delayed post for like a few weeks already...so ya... =P][

Before i go any further, rumours are flying everywhere saying that planet shakers are not coming back this year... *sob*... i love them wei... oh well... i'm going to melbourne anyway... so hehe...

Well, there was this event in some school in Subang and the journey we took (i was driving and there are some friends there with me...) to get there can be made into a very-not-really-thatmuch-of-a-bombastic-kinda hollywood movie... seriuosly... like we were actually kinda late in the beginning,

this was because i left my house like a bit later than planned, then i have to go to one U to meet some of my friends because we are going together, so i parked like at the bridge there and waited for them, but it seems forever before they actually arrive and when i asked what happen, they said one of them gone missing and its the driver... i was like, wat the heck wei?! So anyway, we drove to sunway piramid and i was like speeding like no one's business ( of course still following the road rules...or at least i think i did... =P ) and by all miracles, we actually reach there earlier than expected, so i was confident that we are going to make it on time, but then it took us nearly one hour just to search for th school because of some "reliable resources" that we have... ( not pointing my finger to anyone but XI YING!!!!!!) So, when we finally arrive, i was like "HALLELUJAH!!!!"

That we were like late for 15 minutes and the event haven't really started yet... it was only the beginning intro part, where they have a dance performances thingy ( it was like the dance in "stomp the yard" or something...kinda kewl but, some of the moves i actually recognize cause it was used so many times...lol)

And then the worship part was good, then Ps. Russell Evans came and preach and it was relaly good la... hehe... manage to snap a photo but it is kinda blur because of the zooming thingy la...

Yup, all in all it was good... though really hate all the confusion and stuff but it was worth it...

Paul Wong... delayed-ly OUT!!!

It was a sad piano-less day... *sob*

Recently, my family planned and confirm that we are moving to a new place, our own place... hehe...but because of that, my dearest posession have to be give up... The piano that i had since like few years back was verily important to me... i know that people do get attached to stuff, i'm a testimony of it... the condo doesn't have sufficient space for the piano... so we have to sell it away... sigh....didn't really hit me until when the guys came and took it, i suddenly felt empty and the conner of my house where the piano used to be is like super empty... i kinda felt like a void in my heart... *sob*

So this post is a dedication to the Best Piano in the world...
The brand is Atlas and it was great..*sob*

Where we put it... *sob*

Those keys whom produced beautiful music that enchants anyone who hears it... *sob*
Another shot of the keys... *sob*


Lab day...

The best thing about Dip in Science is the labs... it was fun and interesting...I used to think that they are like super complicated but once you know how it works and stuff, its kinda fun to do... although some labs are super boring because of the waiting time...but generally, most labs are very kewl... some solutions that we have to make produced really kewl colours and stuff... So, being a cam-whore, its a crime not to take some pics right?! hehe...
I kinda forgot what these called again but when we were doing this lab, everyone have one of these apparatus on the table, was so cool wei...

We are suppose to calculate the time it takes for a clear solution to turn into this murky milky coloured type... It look really disgusting and i thought for a moment it gona like release super pungent smell, instead a burning kinda smell came out...lol...

this one is another lab where we are testing the pH factor towards the mechanism behind something la.....forget again...lol... and i notice these really nice colour in the test tube... really kewl lo!!!

Another shot...showing all of them...

This is how it looks like in the tube itself... kewl right?!

These are the prepared solutions by the lab assistant for us... hehe...one of the lab assistant is our ex-senior wei....
Yup, thats it for now, tomorrow we are doing lab again and maybe i can take some more pic.. hehe.... Gamabatei!!!
Paul Wong... lab-ly OUT!!!
The "do-re-mi" list
][ Sean Kingston - Me Love ][
][ One Republic feat Timbaland - Apologize ][
][ High School Musical 2 - I don't dance ][
][ High School Musical 2 - Everyday ][
][ High School Musical 2 - I gotta go my own way ][
][ High School Musical 2 - You are the Music in Me ][
][ Step Up soundtrack - Petey Pablo - Show me the Money ][

The Journey

][Again, delayed post...][

That day which i totally forgotton which day it was, i was force to walk back from the drop off point for the hostel KDU bus ( because can't get through to my mum nor dad nor house phone...) normally i would like be kinda piss and stuff but that day i was like "oh well"... and i decided to document the entire journey from the drop off point to my house... and it was like after rain so the weather was quite chilling and the scenery was really nice actually.... so here it is....

The Journey
A classic Picture-Whoring piece by Paula Wongardum...

Here we see the sorta-very-verily-dirty-looking river and it was like very fulll, usual it is like only two inch deep...make syou wonder how much water dropped from the sky huh?!

Some random pic of me taking my foot at its working state...hehe

Thought of doing something artistic with my very-very-very-cheap camera... and this shot was produced...damn nice lo i tell you...

Signboards that always are neglected by people, here is your time to shine mr signboard... give me a fierce look !!!!

Was tryin to take a pic of the dews like early in the morning but kinda unsuccessful...lol...

Pic of the walking road and the grass beside it was freshly cut as you can tell...

Behind a sighboard.... hehe...behind....lol... sounds a bit obscene...hehe...

A pic of the sky in the evening.... was quite bright actually....

Pic of the road...wondered wat all those drivers were thinking when they saw me...must be like 'retarded freak' or something...mean people... hhmmm...

Another pic of my foot in its working state... on a different road now... btwm i love those flip-flop... but bought new ones already because my mum always wear this one...ggrr...

A pic of a new and finishing soon bus stops... Look so nice, but come to think of it, it will only survive a few months before it will be destroyed like many other bus stops....sigh...vandalism... when will it stop?!

This is a palm tree with its fruits that i forgot the name.... hhmmm... nice pic though...

Another pic of the fruit.... this one drop down...aaawwww...how sad...all alone on that rocky floor with ants coming to take chunks out of you... *sob*

Another pic of signboard...wait its called signpost right?!

A blue wall seperating the houses and the almost-complete shop lots...

A weird looking plant... was sneakingly taking this pic ok... hehe...

This one is interesting.... the owner of this house actually stick stones to the pillar thingy in the drain for reason i dun know off...first time wei...maybe to prevent people from stepping on it...but then again....
Well, another pic of the same house... there goes my anti-buglar theory

A tree...with red leaves....

can you spot the small tiny pigeon?

Home sweet home!!!
Well ,tats it for now... kewl journey huh?! by the time i reach home was like sweating already...sigh...
Paul Wong... againdelayed - ly OUT!!!!


After a long agonizing wait for blogger to allowed me to blog again, i finally can blog again and boy oh boy do i have many things to post... Dun worry, most of them are pics anyway, so you won't really be bored out of ur mind... =P

][Chinny and Qingny][
At Neway!!! super fun wei!!!

][me - Qingly - Chinny ][

][ TV ][
Forgot wat song we were singing... lol

We ate like no tomorrow wei, super crazy loads la...

Some of the left overs...

][ me ][
Both of them went to the toilet and i was asked to take care of their stuff... these is how i look like, gosh,,, i look literally like a bga stand of whatever you called those things...

][ tart ][
The tart also want to cam-whore...lol...

][ me ][
After Neway, we went shopping... i tried on this leather jacket and look kinda nice but it was super big!!!! haha...

][ Chinny ][
We were walking in the curve after One U and saw this big festival thingy and saw these face thingy and decided to cam-whore also...hehe.... Chinny lok damn weird lo...haha...

][ Kewl-looking-building ][
It look real right!!!!!! Kewl wei... but actually made of paper or cardboard only...lol...

Monday, October 15, 2007


well, not really random la... but i took a pic of the sunrise i think, in the bus heading towards college one day, and it was beutiful...like seriously... thought of uploading it lo...

The "do-re-mi" list :-

][ Jay Chou - Wu Ding ][

][ Ally and Aj - Potential breakup song ][

][Rihanna feat Ne-Yo - Hate that I love you so ][

][Timbaland feat One Republic - Apologize ][

Birthday boy!!!

A big shout out to Jason who turn 19 this year!!!!!

Happy Birthday and may God blessed ya in many ways dude!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Yakult and Beryl's field trip...

Yup, this is a delayed post... because of some reasons where i'm too frusfrated ( i realise i mis-spelt this word but too lazy to even correct it cause it took me like an eternity just to upload these pics... sigh... ) to mention about it...sigh....

Anyway, here are pics i've taken from the trip... loads actually but mostly just shots of the factory and other stuff... and also, we thought we get free yakults or something, but instead they give us like one bottles, lol... but it was a fresh one from the production itself, so i guess i was kewl... And they actually show us how to drink a yakult... haha... was funny but then again, i did learn the proper way... which i didn't know in the beginning...haha...

So here they are!!!

Ok, before you guys think of something else... this is when we arrive at beryls after lunch and after the yakult trip thingy... They said that no cameras are allowed and i'm guessing its a safety precaution they take just to guard their secrets in making delicious famous beryls chocolate... hhmm... this shot is the only one i took, and of course, it make sense they put a cow outside their factory... *sweat*

And now, presenting...


A view from the entrance...

The different Yakults from all over the world... btw, yakult enter Malaysia like few years ago.. lol... felt like they been here longer...
More Yakults from other parts of the world...

More yakults....haha

Ok, here we see some other product produce by the yakult company... not in Malaysia though...

Here is a close up of their cosmetic products...
How the came up with cosmetics... the story goes like this,
once upon a time, in a land far far away... a young lady in the old land Japan was hire to wash empty bottles of Yakult from the customers ( in the old days, the sell in glass bottles and it was collect back by the manucfacturer to be cleaned and refills again, and many women were hired to wash them...), and she wash and wash and wash and wash and wash and wash and wash and wash till another day, the owner came to see here and he notice her very soft hands... and he finally came to his own conclusion that it was because of the washing of the Yakults... and thus cosmetics were born... Yakult Cosmetics ...

More products from Yakult... They did say that they have no plans for Malaysia to produce these products... oh well...

Ok... i accidentally uploaded the pics backwards.... so we'll have the tour going backwards ya...lol... here is the final pack yakults in "carton" as they called it..

Here, they are packing the 5-bottles pack of Yakult into a Carton which contains around if i'm not mistaken, 15 packs per carton... The machine is really captavating lo...i meant like...oh nvm..hard to explain la...

Here, we see the line of bottles that already have the labels and straws... really cool actually... the whole line thingy... these things is verily the interesting to me la...lol...
Inside that humoungous machine, is where they attach the labels and straws to the empty Yakult bottles.... i think...maybe its already being filled....oh well... moving on...

Here we have one of the workers checking for any errors in the bottles... we were saying things like his jobs sucks and also like, he look very blur staring into the oblivion of the bottles....lol.. pity him man...
I have no idea what this machine does, but it looks quite kewl huh?!

This weird looking device looks nice, that's why i took it... besides, i think i saw something like this in college's lab...i think... again, no idea wat its function is...

Here we have three workers doing stuff to the Yakult like cleaning and washing and testing and other stuff....hhmmm... notice there is like very little workers in this gigantic factory huh?! lol...
Ah, now i remembered, it is called the cleaning room , so go figure what are those ladies ( yup ladies...) doing...

This one is the best one so far.... she was like directly facing us, like she was position that way for the tour and stuff... so there she was doing her job and everything, and out of no where, came this large group of students looking like "jakons", taking picture of her and everything... Think for one day she was like a celeb...lol.... Then right, she did something which was like forbidden in the name of science... she was suppose to "pipette" the thing that she was pipetting out ( ask ur nearest science students what is pipetting...lol) there is a device for that purpose but instead, she suck is like using a straw... i was like...
"May Day !!! May Day !!! We have a Science crime offender of the 7th degree !!!"

This long looking machine is for making those cute small Yakult bottles....

No idea wat these does... and if you look closely, you'll see a guy in white bending down to pick something up...( somehow this sentence sounds very wrong....lol...) The guy was the first person we saw in the tour... at first we were like "where the heck is the workers?!" then he showed up, and we were like taking pics and stuff but he didn't really response to us, grrr.... we were like finally, some living beings in the huge factory...lol...

The culture tank....which i think is to culture the bacteria in the Yakult... and btw, for those who dunno and i wonder why you dunno... in Yakult there are living bacterias... and the name for those bacteria is "Lactobacsillus Casei Shirota" hehe.... i'm taking microbiology this sem...so i kinda understood that jargon..hehe...i'm good!!!

Another look at the tank...i wonder what it does....hmmm...

These are the pipes where they leads hot water to heat up another tank which functioned to activate the "sleeping" bacterias which the shipped from Japan... Yup... made in Japan wei people...

This is the tank where they put te "sleeping" bacteria in and the pipes from the previous pic leads hot water to activate the bacterias.... as mention...
OK thats it.... from the factory... actually there is one more pic i wanna show but accidentally deleted it....oh well...
Can't help myself....cam-whoring for just one pic ok....lol... i look damn good huh?! hehe
OK, that's it from the field trip, was damn tired after that wei....
now, there are more things i wanna post but i'll leave it for another time... ja for now
Paul Wong... Yakult - ly OUT!!!
ps = bought two packs of yakults... but some of me friends bought like two cartons!!!! so the math people!!! and another thing is that they cost around RM 3.90... kidan more expensive than those in convinient stores right?! oh well...