f a l l i n g i n l o v e . . .

Monday, April 5, 2010

..::|| distractions ||::..

there are many type of distractions out there...
may it be work, peers and facebook & twitter
( come on people, only liars and cheaters will deny the fact that the entire world is addicted to facebook & twitter )

all these distractions are sometimes good...
when you are lonely or just wanna have some fun pranking another lonely soul...

or it could be bad...
when your assignment is due tomorrow and here you are trying to beat the high scores in bejeweled...

but nonetheless, distractions are always there...
how you handle it is what matters...

i personally was "distracted" and it was fun at first because it was thrilling and all-so exciting...
but then i thought, it has sorta almost taken over my focus and my focus-alarm went off...

it was telling me that the distractions is really DISTRACTING ME...

and so...
what do i do?!

i eliminate that distractions...
it was almost like saying goodbye to a long-known friend...
but after that...
i felt free and immediate different...
i no longer am in that distractions...

awesome feeling i can tell you...

and so, question of fabu is this

what is/was your distractions?!

it's a bit of a abstract kinda post but yea...


|| picture of fabulicious-ness ||

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