f a l l i n g i n l o v e . . .

Thursday, September 17, 2009

..::|| flood of inspiration and total design moment... ||::..

ola ya'lls...

yes, this sem has been hectic i can tell you that...
but one subject that i have been enjoying like crazy is intro to design...

( i know it's weird for me to take design because it has nothing to do with psychology whatsoever... )

it's ubber awesomelicious!!!


i never thought i can design something using the computer...

( "paint" gave me some bad experiences... dun ask )

so anyway, we're taught how to use adobe illustrator and photoshop

( but haven't gone to photoshop yet )

and so far... it's awesome!!!


during the first class when she was doign the introduction lecture and telling us about the assignments and stuff...
i was already having ideas on what to do and what to design...

i can tell you
i creative juices just kept on flowing ever since...
it was like shocking to me...
cause i was never good in drawing...
except sticks figures and yea...
you know what i mean...

but even i myself are impress by my own sketches...


( trying to boost self-confidence there a little... ok maybe a lot!!! )

|| this was my first ever design... we were taught how to use lines and brushes and colours... and then we were asked to just design something... this was what i came up with on the spot... ||

|| and then i went home and did another similar design but i kinda convert it into my hp's wallpaper... xD ||

|| then, the next tutorial we were taught how to use different shapes and how to manipulate the shapes... and then for the exercise, we were asked to design a character... this is wat i came up with... can ya'lls guess what it is?! ||

and for our first assignment, we're require to design two wallpaper design for desktop...
this is where i went crazy... both of my design have something in common... as in the technique i used... but diff message though...

see of ya'lls can figure it out...


|| d e s i g n - O n e ||

|| d e s i g n - T w o ||

i'm so happy with both design...
it's simple yet took me quite some time to tweak all the final details and touches to it...
also the lecturer helped a lot!!!

our next assignments are to design two logos...
i'm having some ideas but still have to develop em' first...

so until then...
i will reveal my masterpiece soon...


totallyaddictedtogrey's-ly OUT bitches...

..::|| grooving barreh ||::..
2NE1 - Fire
2NE1 - I Don't Care
2PM - Again & Again
2PM - Hate U
2PM - I don't know if you'll come back
4 minute - Hot issue

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