f a l l i n g i n l o v e . . .

Sunday, November 2, 2008

..::|| sudden memory flash back... ||::..

i was watching a show just a sec ago and some how it reminds me of my gran...

a sudden flood of thought enter my tired mind...

is my gran really gone?

it seems a bit surreal as she was always there...

i know i should move on already but sometimes i just feels like it's not real and that she's probably sitting at her comfy massage chair and watching some chinese soap opera and smoking a cigarette or two...

but then the harsh stonish truth sinks in...

she's not here anymore...

i'm so bad in this... i can never fully accepts the fact that someone is really REALLY gone...

sigh... i'm tired... its has been a long freaking day...

sleep time...


Paul Wong... totallyrandom- ly OUT

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