f a l l i n g i n l o v e . . .

Friday, August 3, 2007

verily the tiredness...

Harry Potter --- check
Transformer --- check

I am freaking tired... this whole week has been really like... wow... no words to describe this... Lets see... i went out with all my friends from college and CF from monday to thursday... i am so broke i cna declare myself bankrupcy already...( i know i spell that wrongly, i'm verily the tired right now) Yup, but i still have have one more movie to go before my movie marathon come to an end... the simpsons... this is one movie not to be miss man... lol.... anyway, just a quick update... nothing much to say since my body suddenly only broke down and i'm so damn tired that i have to cancel some plans and responsiblity today...sigh

Till i'm better, i'll post reviews on transformer and harry potter and boy o boy, i have a lot of things to say

till then...

Paul Wong... tiredly- OUT

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