f a l l i n g i n l o v e . . .

Monday, April 30, 2007

sigh...yet again...

NOW i understand why people wants to be single... Not to be in a relationship is very liberating and some how peaceful...yet life is boring as we know it and we need drama in our life... not that we love it but it's a necessity.... sigh

I'm kinda confuse about A and uhm... i'm not sure whether we are heading the direction i'm hoping for... everyone that i talk to tells me that i need to chill and just go with the flow... sigh... easy for you guys to say....

So, yea, it's not really like serius yet cause we only went out ONCE...( how pathetic is that?! *sob*) and A is going to Penang tomorrow and wed... i was hoping that A will be free and we will like go out and hang or something... sigh... no chance then...

So yup... i know its like not even a week yet, but i kinda really sick of feeling obsessed and desperate... i need to chill... majorly!!!!!!

I NEED TO CHILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK... better...i think....sigh...sigh...sigh

I have to admit... this is kinda fun and not boring at all... i mean you can feel your heart pumping when like that person sms or you guys are hanging out.... hahahah.... kinda funny and cool... yea... i think everybody's right... i need to just let go and let things be instead... If still the situation goes on and A doesn't really respond back... then maybe its not meant to be then... sigh... life goes on huh?! ( which reminds me the song by Lee An Rimes... dun be perasan Lee En!!! )

so yup, nothing much change... i'm a bit more relax now... for some unexplainable reasons.... maybe i should do a video post or something...maybe...

Anyway, dun have any plans this few days... ( call me!!!! i need a better social life!!!!)

Gtg now, watching Grey's Anatomy ( i have the 3rd season wei!!!!!)

Paul Wong... OUT !!!

Sunday, April 29, 2007



Well, its been kinda like forever already since my first date with A... ( i know...i know.... its like only two days... but hey, i do feel like an eternity ok?!) and i'm kinda confuse right now... like whether does A even think seriously about this... i mean i'm really ready and serious to start a relationship and i'm not here to mess around with people... the prob is A feel the same way... sigh...sigh...sigh

Everybody keep telling me the same thing... it's too early to conclude things but i'm super paranoid and obsessed about these kinda things... ( well, its in my nature.... caused by really bad social-history...sigh...) Yup... like just now, we were sms-ing each other and then i asked the forbidden question...

"Are you doing anything this coming wed?"

This is like me saying, "are you free? wanna hang?" kinda thingy, but its like just only on fri we hang and now i'm already asking for another day already... Oh gosh... i'm so stupid!!!!!!! And guess wat... A haven't reply from just now... ( and when i say just now, it means few FEW hours ago... sigh...A is so totally not into me.... *sob*)

Oh well, i thought of a million reason why A hasn't reply me but hey, i'm kinda tired today and what the heck.... die die la....


ps = i counted... there is exactly 9 sighs in this post...sigh....

Paul Wong.....sighing-ly OUT !!!!

pss = make that 11....

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Adrenalin-rush craze!!!!

*grin* x 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

These last few days was the best days of my pathetic-yet-interesting life...( well not exactly THE best day but it's definitely top ten...)

I was having a crush on this person for like a month already and this person (lets call this person A...privacy control) has no idea who i was...

It all started during the first day of my semester... I was just waiting for my stats class and there A was... standing in the middle and A just caught my eyes.... I was like... "damn... A is so fine!!!!" So then, i was on this mission to find out everything about A and like A's name and age and courses and background and other stuff... Thank GOD, i was and currently working in one of the department in my college as student helper and uhm... i get to access their student database for some minor work i was assign to... But there's only one problem... i have no clue about A whatsoever...

So i was kinda disspointed and my mind was working furiously trying to figure out a way to just get some infomation about A... then hold and behold, a blessing from heaven fell down on me one day... i was in the com lab and was minding my own business and there A was, sitting there, having a class in one of the lab... So i was like "ok?!"

then i was like not thinking and was just grinning to myself and just went to another lab and just do my stuff... then a crazy idea hit me like someone threw a humongous papaya directly into my face... Anytime a student uses the com, their student id will appear there... and i was so excited so i went to the com lab, ( they finish classes already by then...thank GOD!!!) jought down the id and the next day, went straight to work hoping to dig some information this A person, so i did, got the email address, hp number, birthday, address, age and of course the most important of all NAME!!! (won't tell you guys.... secret....*mystical grin*)

Then, from that day forth, i was crazy over that person... but then one day, suddenly i just lost all hopes for some unmentionable-because-it-is-highly-secretive-and-cannot-be-reveal-to-the-world-yet reasons... i was heart-broken... then the next day, which was on thursday, i was tired and sleepy and hungry... so i was going down to the cafeteria when suddenly my friend ran up to me and said these magic words...

"A wants your number!!!!"

At first i was skeptical but when the truth finally hit me, my heart soar like a million miles high!!!!!!!!!!!! I was crazy and in doubt and i was talking to my friend and A was like behind me!!!!! My friend was like keep looking back at A and i was like, "stop looking!!!"

Then, the rest was history... Today i just came back from my kinda-official-but-i-still-don't-really-think-and-yet-A-said-that-it-is date... I'm so confuse!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup... and oh yea, later that day, i have a dance audition....( Lol... too lazy to even tell about this...sigh....)

Paul Wong... GrinninglyhappilySmilinglyStillCan'tbelieve - ly OUT!!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A test to see whether you area genius or another human being!!!!!

(insulting much ah the title...=P)

Well, try to read and understand what is written below...receive wuite sometime ago and re-receive again today from me dad... quite cool lo...

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too

cna yuo raed tihs? olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. the phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it

I can read it wei!!!!! Yay me!!!!! Me a great gineuis!!!!! Me very the smart!!!!!

wat an RED-ful day...

Well, today in college, i was kinda having a boring-day as i called it but then when all of us are going to the last class of the day (thank GOD for His amazing mercy!!!!!) Cell Bio, we pass through th concourse area of KDU college and out of the blue i saw crowds of people-that-obviously-listen-to-hitz.fm type gather at the parking... And of course, Rudy and JJ was there, giving freebies and other free stuff which i did not get any (sigh....lousy punya DJ!!!! =P)

So yup, they were there and hotlink was there too, giving out free red balloons to anyone who resemble human kind and the whole college was like being infected with the "red-balloon" disease, which was kinda cool actually.... I stole one in the class since everyone took so many, there this one lonely balloon, hovering right in front of my sweet-and-cute face (=P... shuddup people!!!) and i thought, i'm gonna adopt it and call it my reddy!!!!

So yea, tat's basically my day, and i got some pics ( i knew you guys would just skip all this talking-part and start looking at the pics...sigh...why do i even care to type...)

Tats Rudy and JJ
(they have this very weird-yet-kinda-cool-and-obviously-annoying laugh )
This is my reddy!!!!!

He's a cam-whore!!!!
(remind me of someone... RACHEL!!!!!!)

Pic of the red-balloon disease!!!!
(tat girl obviously shy...say cheese gurl!!!!)

More pics of the red-balloon disease
(now this is what i called -Synchronization-...way to go people!!!!)

Ok... i think people get it tat reddy's races are taking over our college...
-[Reddy 1 : Today KDU... tomorrow... the WORLD!!!!
-[Reddy 2 : Wait... I'm losing helium ! I don't think i can make it...arg...
-[Reddy 1 : Don't give up reddy 1... don't leave me alone...no...
-[Reddy 2 : Goodbye reddy 1... i've always wanted to say this to you...
-[Reddy 1 : what is it?
-[Reddy 2 : Your body shape is weird looking...
-[Reddy 1 : *sweat*
-[Reddy 2 : goodbye.... *the last Helium gas molecules left the rubber-made balloon*
-[Reddy 1 : NOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paul Wong... Reddy-ly OUT!!!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

A humble prayer....

To all family members who lost their love ones in the 16/4 tragedy...

Why do all our love one have to go ?
Why do we have to endure long suffering ?
Why do they have t leave us without saying goodbye ?
Why do God take them away without telling us ?

Joy, why have you run away?
Peace, where are you right now?
Faith, why have you leave me alone?
Hope, please come back to me...
There is no rainbow without storm
There is no summer without winter
There is no rain without drought
There is no morning without darkness

The sun will always rises the next day
The moon will continue to glow its light
The stars will always twinkle small hope
The wind will continue its breeze of peace

Mourning last through the night
But joy comes in the morning
Sadness covers me in darkness
But peace surrounds me when light arrives...

May all the souls rest in peace....
God bless you guys!!!


My verily-verily stupid connection finally fix and i'm so happy because i can now update my video blog on youtube and at the same time post a new post here!!!!
(Miss rachel... stop bugging me!!!!!!)

Anyway, was kinda busy this few weeks, staying back in college to study ( walau, i can be so rajin huh?!) and uhm, catching up with homework and assignment and stuff... so yea...

Oh yea, did you guys hear about the Virginia Tech Massacre?!
OMGosh!!!! Can't believe anyone can do such things, my sympathy to all those family members and love ones who lost their beloved in the shooting...sigh... This is why i never consider US uni as one of the choices... even when they have the best most attractive supply of beautiful-and-yet-became-rubbish-of-society kinda people... sigh....

I did a video (i'm obsessed with video-blogging!!!!! Btw, i called it vBLog...my own term wei!!!!)
for all the victims and their family members...be sure to check it out ya!!!!


Anyway, gonna do a pic post later... EASTER baby!!!!!
yup, then at least, this won't be so boring mah...

Anyway... nothing much to say actually....

Check my vBlog ya!!!!
More stuff there instead....ehhehehee

Paul Wong...OUT!!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I'm back people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harlo everyone!!!!!!

Yes, i'm well and alive and FINALLY... i'm updating... ( take that rachel and ur "Lameness" !!!!!) well, actually, i took a break from blogging because i've been very into VIDEO blogging.... yup... but dun worry, i haven't forsaken this blog yet... Hhehehee

Anyway, my video blog has been quite good... (24 views wo!!!!!!!!!! i noe its pathetic but hey...it's a start...)Yup...
I can't upload any pics because something ter-cacated my connection... so after i settle that with tmnet....( sigh.... malaysia ah...i tell you ah.... nothing to say.... sigh sigh sigh.... *sigh* to all my sighs....)
i'll be updating from my college tommorrow... promise people...promise....
Paul Wong.... OUT !!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007



that's all i can say about youtube and my stupid connection right now... i have been trying to upload my vBlog but my stupid connection is like from the stone age and its was slower than the slowest turtle crawling under the sun finding food...AARGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sigh... well, guess its back to my roots then... the old-fashion typing i guess...

Wait a minute... i just got the greates idea ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe i still can upload a video ( the current vBlog is 68.8 M !!!! LOl...) simple wan with words and music only, maybe tat'll be way easier to upload... hopefully...

so yea... nothing much happen.... GOT MY SCHOLARSHIP LAST WEEK!!!!! YAY ME!!!!!
(oh darn it... i just found out that i can even load pic on this blog... darn it!!!)
so yea... bad luck guys.. no pics too...sigh...sigh...sigh...

suddenly, lost all motivation to write anything anymore... but felt just a little bit in making another video about this very sucky connection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

maybe i'll post that instead...

Paul Wong...veryverythefrusfrating-ly OUT!!!